
Saturday, September 28, 2013

A few things I've learned as a parent.

Thinking about how my life is going to change yet again in about 45 days... I am reminiscing on some important things I've learned not only about myself but just having kids in general.

  •  A 3 year olds mind is all about "ME"(as in them) as hard as it can be on somedays to try and make Pella understand that the world doesn't revolve around her mind it does.
  • When having a child that suffers from severe constipation from 8 weeks old  and still at 3.5 struggles, I've learned it takes an intense amount of patience and constant encouragement to make going #2 a comfortable "okay" thing. I never pushed the toilet training with her, she picked up the pee part pretty quick by 2.5. She has been using the potty for #2 for about a month and half or so, and sometimes it takes her 10 minutes, and other times 40 minutes...regardless of how long it takes her, I am right there encouraging her, and letting her know Im there. 
  • NEVER wake a sleeping baby/kid.
  • A schedule or routine is key to having some kind of balance, at least in our home it does.
  • Some days I am beyond both physically & mentally exhausted, but its not about me anymore.
  • They will eat when they are hungry. I kind of gave up fighting my kid to eat, and feeling like im forcing her to eat. I've noticed when she's hungry she always asks me to eat, even if its not when I am offering her meals. 
  • When my child pushes me to my breaking points, I have to walk away for a moment, take a breathe, cry for a second, and tell myself I am blessed to have this kid in my life, not everyone is as lucky and blessed to have a child. 
  • When my kid is melting down, I've found that changing the environment or distracting her with something else seems to be a great quick temporary fix!
  • Let kids be kids. meaning they should be allowed to dissect things, make messes and indulge in their little world of chaos. 
  • Its the little things in life. cliche as it gets, but couldn't be more of a true statement when being a parent or even a toddler! 
  • Having to co-parent is HARD.
  • You can never tell your kid you love them too much! 
  • Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one! I dont care what other moms say or do, I respect their opinions and thats that. 
  • Never turn down help. If someone offers to watch your child so you can have a date night, or run to target solo... DO IT.
  • Make time for your significant other. My life seems to be consumed with my kid more often then not, but I still try to make it a point to spend some one-on-one with the hubs. 
  • Plan ahead. couldnt stress that one enough
  • DO NOT tackle a major "home construction project" while pregnant. EVER.
  • When I'm having a bad day , I seem to find peace when I watch Pella sleep. I can just stare at her, run my fingers through her little head of hair and feel instant LOVE. 
  • Get down on your kids level. I've always had the best interaction with my daughter while being down on her level, sitting or laying on the floor with her playing whatever it is she insists on doing... its a bonding time like no other. 
  • Missing your kid can be a blessing in disguise! Say you went on a weekend get-away or even a night out on the town sans the kids, when you feel that "missing feeling" it makes you appreciate your chld THAT much more. 
  • Cherish everyday. 

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