
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Welcome to the world Orla Grace.

Orla Grace Miserendino 
Tuesday November 12th 2013, at 2:24pm
Weighing 8lbs 7oz
Measuring 20.5in 

My birth story isn't spectacular for me at least, but it was more spectacular having been able to see my husbands worries and anxiety he had my entire pregnancy disappear the moment he was able to watch Orla be born, cry, open her eyes, stretch and know we had a healthy, happy baby girl! 
I went into the hospital Monday night to be induced with cervidil, I was given the option to be induced one week shy of my due date 1. because I was measuring bigger and 2. by choice.
Now, you're welcome to have your opinions on induction, but for me it was a personal choice, and a choice I am happy with having done, no matter how you choose to birth your baby there are always risks involved. 
At around 11pm they started my cervidil I was 50% effaced and 3.5cm , I went the entire night with consistent contractions, but nothing that intensified with time passing, I was able to sleep here and there when I would catch a break from contracting. I was checked a couple times, NO progress, Cervix still 50% effaced, still 3.5 centimeters dilated. Morning came, around 10am they took out my cervidil and planned to start me on Pitocin around 11am. At that time opted to get my epidural. Around noon my water broke, I was 4cm, my contractions intensified, and my I was actually feeling them back to back. I called my nurse to have my epidural turned up a notch, she came in gave it a boost, but still even after about an hour I felt no pain management, my legs weren't numb, they just felt hot... Lucky for me by 1:30ish I was checked and was 7.5cm, things were moving super quick. Dr. came in took a look said she was about a 0 station, and pushing could take longer then I was hoping for. I wasn't okay with that at all in my mind, I pushed for 2.5 hours with Pella, it was awful! I called the nurse within a few minutes of my Dr. leaving telling her I felt AWFUL pressure, I had to push! She checked me, I was fully dilated and thinned out, she had me push a little bit to see if I was able to move her down, and DOWN she came! She ran out into the hall to have the Dr come back and deliver this baby! 2:24pm Orla Grace was born, with a a cord around her neck, she was still pink as could be, and bolted out that cry every mother anticipates to hear when your baby comes out! I couldn't believe I pushed out an 8 pounder in 30 minutes! 
I would best describe her birth as  intense and quick! I was in so much pain the hour before she was born, and just to push felt so good! The minute she was out of there I felt instant relief! No more pressure, no more contractions, no more HUGE belly! A bit bittersweet as I was totally DONE being pregnant, I knew it was going to be my last time being pregnant.  I will also say the second time around has been a much easier healing process! Its amazing what our bodies can do. 
Im happy its over. I'm thankful to have 2 beautiful healthy, happy girls in my life. I am happy to be able to have had my best friend and husband right by side.
This pregnancy for me was a major 180 from when I was pregnant with Pella, having Nick be there for me and with me, supporting me, helping me when he could and encouraging me was something I wasn't used too, or expected. I am so lucky to have him in my life, and our daughters lives. For me just being able to give him "life",his daughter, is a moment I will cherish forever. 

Special Thanks to 
for documenting Orla's birth. 


  1. Marcella, thank you for sharing Orla's birth story. You make such beautiful babies!

  2. What a beautiful birth story.. I am pregnant second time and I look to birth birth stories as afirmation that it WILL come to an end and that end will be a beautiful baby. My husband is very nervous about our daughter and when/ how she will get to hospital. . Im just rolling with it at this point with many options of where she could go and be.. all of the pictures r beautiful!! Love the lil bow hospital hat, we r delivering cmh I hope they made the cute hat jump ha

  3. Oh my gosh, that second picture... I could FEEL your contraction, I swear, haha. And poor Nick's face... he just wanted nothing more than to make you feel better.

    Thank you for sharing your story!

  4. loved looking at all these beautiful photos. thank you so much for sharing your story. :)

  5. Such beautiful photos and what a perfect name!
