
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Double Stroller Dilemma

 I am such a stroller snob, but the not the snob that has one of everything! I am all about the best bang for my buck and what WORKS for me.
I have always been a big fan of the Uppababy Vista with the rumble seat, and the piggy back board. Mind you that was when I would have had a toddler and a baby. Its great brand, great customer service and priced well.
I opted to actually go with the Joovy Caboose which is a sit and stand double system.
I love it for its function, it is PERFECT with a toddler and a baby!
I also have the their newest stroller the Joovy QOOL which I love when I just have Orla, or even for quick trips with both kids bc Pella actually prefers to walk. 
I know in the near future I will store away the caboose and probably sell the single QOOL.

Now I'm looking for the best double with a single option having 2 babies.
Theres so many esthetically  good looking strollers but to me that doesnt mean anything.
I want to know from these 4 strollers who prefers what and WHY!?
I want to hear from people who have 2 "babies" what seems to work the best for you?
To me at this point I refuse to put a price on what will make my life easier, the price tag is irrelevant.

1. Bugaboo Donkey
2. Baby Jogger City Select
3. Uppababy Vista
4. Joovy TOO QOOL.


  1. I don't actually KNOW but I see a lot of those Donkey's around town and they are really wide. People always seem to be struggling to get them through doors, down aisles, etc. While my personal preference would be side by side kids, the double wide would deter me.

  2. I wouldn't want the double wide stroller because I think it would be difficult to get through doors and such. This may sound silly but I watch this Youtube couple on ItsJudysLife.. they have a 1? year old and just had twins. They posted a picture of the dad pushing the older one in a single and the mom pushing the twins in a double. It looked like your number 2 stroller, but I'm not sure. It looked like it was working really well though! I feel bad for the one on bottom who doesn't get to see anything, but there's no way around that other than the double wide stroller! Good luck choosing!

  3. I have twins and have an Bumbleride Indie Twin and love it. I haven't met a door we can't fit through so I'm thinking it's a bit narrower than most.They're expensive but worth it.
    The longer the stroller is the harder it is to maneuver so I prefer side by side.
    Also they two can see each other, interact more and have an unobstructed view of what's happening.

  4. We have the Vista and rumble seat option - our oldest was 15 months when our youngest was born.
    I used the ergo carrier for the baby for a while and the rumble seat worked well for our oldest when we opted to use it. However, now that our oldest is 21 months she gets antsy in the rumble seat, not being able to see really bothers her. We are kind of at a loss for longer walking trips knowing she won't sit in the seat for long, I still use the ergo to avoid or oldest having a meltdown in the rumble seat.
